Benjamin Dudessert, plate 287 from Célébrités de la Caricature, 1833 ”- I wonder why this beast is following me all the time… I’ll happily be paying 6 sous to jump on a bus,” plate 1 from Émotions De Chasse, 1854.Baill., plate 312 from Célébrités de la Caricature, 1833 “- Our family ‘s destiny was pitiless death, my husband was tortured to the end of his breath,” plate 6 from Physionomies Tragiques, 1851

Pot De Naz., plate 270 from Célébrités de la Caricature, 1833 “- Beware my friend of the little baron… the more you dress him the less secured you will be,” plate 49 from Tout Ce Qu’on Voudra, 1848.The lawyer becomes sick, a last resort when his case is beginning to also look sick, plate 30 from Les Gens De Justice, 1847.They will make you rejoice, since the people of France alone has taken over the costs,” plate 486, 1835 “From your obedient subjects receive on your day of honor these two modest bunches of flowers.“There goes my wife!! Oh, the wretch, while I’m having a shave she’s making a cuckold of me!,” plate 22 from Moeurs Conjugales, 1840.“- Here, Eudoxie, take my bear skin… since from now on I will not have the pleasure any more to wear it, I give it to you to make a muff out of it… This way I have at least the satisfaction of seeing it from time to time”, 1848.genetic dysfunction, heart disease, osteoporosis, obesity and hormonal imbalances. A rather unsatisfied litigant, plate 26 from Les Gens De Justice, 1846 Internal Medicine Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metablolism (MME).“- What a fuss this sour-face from the fifth floor is making! Wearing a hat just to buy two cups of milk for one sou! - Oh, Madame Capitaine, aren’t we fancy today…,” plate 36 Types Parisiens, 1840.